Tuesday, April 29, 2008

All grown up

Well...Mattie is in the midst of her first heat. Tried to ride yesterday but she was pretty...um...shall we say...bitter. She was good for about the first ten minutes but then started the head tossing and refusal to go forward game. It is really frustrating for me and I tend to beat myself up a bit about it, because she was doing SO great until about a week or two ago. I have to keep reminding myself that she is still a baby (she will be four on May 14) because it is easy to "forget" because she is so big and well-behaved (normally). But on an exciting note...I AM GOING TO THE KENTUCKY DERBY ON SATURDAY!!! Can you tell I am excited? I have watched the Derby on TV since I was a little kid, but I've never actually gone. I am so elated I might weep! And I will be in the grandstands, not in the infield! How awesome is THAT?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is pretty damn awsome! You better have purchased a very cool and distinctive hat!