Wednesday, April 23, 2008


What beautiful weather today! Mattie is figuring out that her head needs to be a little higher, and I am figuring out how to not instinctively raise my hands when she buries her chin. Great walk and trot work today. Tried a canter and it wasn't pretty, sort of hoppity hoppity and wouldn't go forward, tossing head, etc. I am admitedly a bit leary about using the whip on her since the bucking incident Saturday, but it is needed, especially at the canter when she totally ignores my legs (but again, today was our fourth day ever cantering under saddle, so forgiveable at this point). Cheryl thinks she was testing me today with the canter behavior, and she's probably right. I need to get over it, but it's hard, especially when I'm still sore from Saturday! Can't wait to ride again tomorrow!


halfpassgirl said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I'll link back to you too. I bought Willow as a barely-backed four-year-old, so I totally sympathize with putting in the canter under saddle! It's not for the faint of heart! I probably came off five times before Willow settled down (and once I got a fun groin injury out of the deal!). Here's hoping your spill is your one and only!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your visit Jen and of course I don't mind you adding my blog to your list :) Will add yours to mine :)