Friday, April 25, 2008


After (another) day off yesterday, back at it today. It was REALLY windy but we rode outside anyway. Longed initially to work her back into the canter...same behavior at first, tossing head, hopping along, but then when I pushed her forward (on the longe) she came into a nice easy canter. Switched directions, same behavior at first, but then settled into it. Hopefully it will continue to get better. Good trot work today under saddle. A horse in the paddock next to the arena spooked her and she took off, but only for about four strides before I got her back down (she's really strong, but let's hope she doesn't figure that out!)...does that count as a canter under saddle today? (haha) Having a lesson with Carolyn tomorrow morning, hoping she can talk me through the canter depart under saddle, because I know it in my head but I get hung up on the whip and bucking thing.


Anonymous said...

haha...I say that counts as a canter under saddle :P I hope you have a good lesson.

halfpassgirl said...

My first canter (actually gallop) under saddle on Willow was actually pigeon-induced. I decided to count it.