Monday, May 19, 2008

Sassy Pants

A decent ride today after three days off over the weekend (I confess, I was occupied with yard work, terrible horse mom). She has aquired the "having you on my back is really old hat now so I am going to see what I can get away with" attitude...looking around at everything, "no, mom, I really do not want to go on the bit in a frame", oh and lest we forget the infamous "I'm on the down swing of my first heat and you really can't tell me what to do because I am WAY stronger and super sexy". Wondering what will happen Saturday at our first show, but hopefully she will be better than at home in different surroundings (as they usually are...looking to mom for support and confidence). Working on trot-walk transitions, trying to keep her on the bit and moving forward in the walk instead of losing it altogether. Think like a FEATHER! (With this horse?!?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you ever read teh book "Horseplay". It is a trashy fiction novel with a cute idea about horse showing. It is like making waffles...the first one is always the worst because you haven't gotten the recipe just right. So good luck at the show...if you are doing the 4 year old test they will just be judging her gaits right? Not that getting her to be calm and show off her gaits is easy...I hope your "first waffle" is a good one!